Lisa and Liyema

Often, our efforts at Arm in Arm in Africa are directed towards members of our family ‘in crisis’ — suffering from food scarcity or mental or physical health issues. But there’s another side to our work in education where we are working with partners to improve the future of young South Africans, from preschoolers all the way to students preparing for college.

In this past July’s Arm in Arm in Action fundraiser, we introduced you to two amazing young people — Liyema Mkampule and Lisakanya Galada. Fr. Cassidy will feature them in his homily on Arm in Arm Weekend (Nov. 13–14) at St. Joan of Arc. You will be amazed when you see the expanded video of their stories. Both are enrolled in FLY (Fun Learning for Youth), a program in which South African professionals dedicate their Saturdays to tutoring the next generation of potential leaders across a myriad of disciplines. The tutoring takes place at JL Zwane Church, our longtime partner in the township of Gugulethu.


Lisakhanya (Lisa), 16 years old

Lisakanya (Lisa), 16 years old, is in grade 11. She lives in a neighboring township with her brother and mother who is employed as a domestic worker. As a young student, Lisa struggled in school, often crying over her math grades. The tutoring she received at FLY enhanced her academic skills and confidence to the point Lisa graduated at the top of her 8th grade class. She now aspires to attend Oxford and pursue a career as a forensic anthropologist!

She also plans on becoming a philanthropist and is already putting her dream to work by tutoring younger students in need. Wise beyond her years, Lisa wanted to share this insight with us:

“The universe will not give you what you want, but will reflect to you what you are. Work hard, dream, and remember that what you have now, you once prayed for.”


Liyema, 15 years old, is in grade 10.

Liyema, 15 years old, is in grade 10. He is the youngest in his family, living with his mom (a health officer) and dad (a driver) in Gugulethu. His mother encouraged him to attend FLY and the outcome has been life changing. “They have seen me grow mentally day by day and develop social skills.” Liyema wants to pursue a career in business and build houses and schools for people in need.

Like Lisa, Liyema is preparing for college admissions and is extremely grateful for AIAIA’s support for FLY.

“I would like to thank FLY and Arm in Arm for giving me this amazing opportunity,” he said. “The only way for me to show my appreciation is to raise the flag of FLY up high with pride and dignity.”


If you would like to help support AIAIA’s partnership with FLY, please note your preference when donating online. 

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