Our Mission
We work arm in arm with community leaders to identify and fulfill the core human needs of food, healthcare and education.
Our Vision
Empowering lives of subsistence with new opportunity.
“As long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality exist in our world, none of us can truly rest. ”
A Letter From Our President
Jim Cassidy, AIAIA President, annually visits residents of the Missionaries of Charity home in Khayelitsha
Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's grief. Do justly now. Love mercy now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.
Shalom, Thank you for your consideration. James Cassidy, President Arm In Arm In Africa
As I reflect back over the last 20 years since Arm In Arm In Africa (AIAIA) came into being, I am reminded of the words of Martin Luther King, Jr. that "we don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." No truer words spoken that would describe the beginning of Arm In Arm In Africa. Our success is the result of our determination and passion for putting one foot in front of the other, then doing it again, and again, and again.
Margaret Mead, the renowned cultural anthropologist, reminded the world to "never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world…it's the only thing that ever has." I know these words to be absolutely true as I look back over our journey. We have been changed for good as a result of our coming to know our brothers and sisters in Africa. They have gifted us with their commitment to living a life of Ubuntu, which most simply translates to mean " we cannot be without each other".
My own personal journey has opened my mind and heart to the fact that human beings were never intended to exist in isolation – that we depend on connection with one another. As President of Arm In Arm In Africa, I invite you to partner with us in building that human connection. Your financial support will ensure the continued success of our food, healthcare and education programs. In choosing Arm In Arm In Africa, you join a growing group of citizens that choose to see the world as one community and respond to the challenge of the Talmud: