DAF: Donor Advised Funds

Your donation can help Arm in Arm in Africa respond to the needs of our South African Family.

Though our reach is vast, our impact is profoundly personal. For those in need— from emergency food assistance, healthcare or education assistance, Arm in Arm in Africa serves as the bridge from despair to hope. Consider growing your investment in our mission with a contribution from your donor-advised fund (DAF).

Donor Advised Fund

How You Can Make a Difference

Consider donating to Arm in Arm in Africa from your donor-advised fund.

DAF Direct enables you to donate to AIAIA directly from your DAF. If your DAF sponsoring organization does not participate in DAF Direct, please have them direct your gift to the address below.

Please make checks payable to:

Arm in Arm in Africa
EIN: 43-2112528
PO Box 3425
Minneapolis, MN 55403

In order to acknowledge your generous gift, please provide your name and/or fund name and address.

Making a Difference

What Is a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF)?

A donor-advised fund (DAF) is like a charitable investment account that is set up for the sole purpose of supporting charities. Individuals can contribute cash, stocks, or other assets into the DAF and receive an immediate tax deduction. Those funds are invested for tax-free growth and the individual can recommend donations to charities of their choice over time.

Donor-advised funds are the fastest-growing charitable giving vehicle because they are the easiest, and most tax-savvy way to give to charities like Arm in Arm in Africa.