Realize Our Need for One Another

❤️ Happy Valentine’s Day, the perfect time to send a message of love and gratitude! Saturday, Feb. 15th, the 21st Arm In Arm In Africa delegation will depart for 3 weeks to South Africa. Several years ago, one of our delegations had the honor of meeting Desmond Tutu, the Chairman for the Truth and Reconciliation commission. As this year’s delegation prepares to spend time with our partners and friends in Africa, I also want to express my gratitude for your support of AIAIA over the past 20 years. Your interest and financial support bring to life the words of Archbishop Tutu:

“We are different precisely in order to realize our need for one another.” Over the years, we have been reminded of the African philosophy of Ubuntu, the “belief in a universal bond  of sharing that connects all humanity.”

I invite you to follow our journey in the townships, as well as rural South Africa by going to our website at or you can ‘Like Us’ on Arm In Arm In Africa’s Facebook page. In addition to following our blogs, consider supporting our many programs by making a donation on our AIAIA website. On this day of celebrating hearts, I am delighted that “my humanity is caught up, is inextricably bound up, in yours.” Together, we can make a change for good in our world.

James Cassidy, AIAIA President


The Journey Has Begun


KARE 11: The story of 'Arm in Arm in Africa'