Malungeni Preschool News


Malungeni preschool graduation

AIAIA received this letter of gratitude from Masibonge Zondani, the teaching assistant from the Malungeni preschool. AIAIA supports the preschool with maintenance and renovation funds, teacher salaries and supplies.

Dear AIAIA Family, Author Henry James once said, "Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind." Your kindness knows no bounds and, for that, we are eternally grateful. Your generous gift of R21600 is improving lives in Malungeni through education. Where there was once a high number of women who could not go look for employment because no one had to look after the children, a mother is not out job hunting to try put bread on the table for the family. And, that young mother who could not go back to school is now at school thriving for brighter future while we look after and unlock the young mind. Your kindness has made these things possible, and we thank you for your thoughtful support. We are proud to be your partner in the fight for quality Early Childhood Development Education and Care in our village. Thank you for caring, and thank you for giving, but most importantly, thank you for being kind.

Sincerely Yours, Masibonge Zondani

In additional news, Amy McGovern, an AIAIA education committee member, a two time AIAIA delegate and staff member of Encanto, a vibrant K-3 school in Phoenix, AZ worked with her colleagues, Becca Greenberg, Principal Filipe Carranza and Nick Murray and the school community to gather art supplies for Malungeni preschool.

Nick taught a class on African Art to the Encanto students. We are grateful to Amy, the students  and her colleagues who are connecting children half a world apart!  


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