Our Chance To Reunite

Arm in Arm’s 20th year fulfilling our mission and 21st trip back to South Africa has been extraordinary. In particular, our chance to reunite with our cousins there has filled our hearts.

Over the next several days we’ll be sharing some of our favorite moments as we continue to transition from an organization that was at first committed to helping to fight the AIDS crisis...to now being a stable partner in three separate townships and with three areas of focus: working with the residents themselves to provide everything from food parcels (how we started), in addition to more strategic medical support, and a quickly-growing focus on educational supplies and training!

These photos show what is “home” to many of the people we serve—impoverished areas called townships where South Africa’s blacks and other people of mixed race (called “coloreds”) were forced to moved based on the rules of apartheid. It’s where we enter the picture—determined to make a difference...


Pictures Tell The Story


Our 2020 Delegation