When in Need...

With COVID-19’s impact around the world, the communities we support in South Africa are at particular risk due to lack of resources and supplies for health care workers serving the township populations, the lack of transportation and money to get personal protection equipment, and even the lack of food—since our normal distributions could not take place safely because too many people would be in close physical contact without face masks. 


So Arm in Arm in Africa’s board made a quick decision...to send funds so our partner health care facilities could purchase five testing booths for health care workers in the Cape Town area who serve the under privileged townships. That way those first responders can get tested for Coronavirus...some workers have already been infected.


We also wired funds so the critical food distribution for hundreds of families could take place in Guguletu, Malungeni and Soweto/Itipini!


1400 face masks have be purchased so each of the food distribution workers and the family members coming to pick up the food can be protected! Without those, the hundreds of parcels of food would remain stacked and undistributed—while our “cousins” are starving. Our community partners had already started making as many face masks as they could—but it was impossible to have the resources to make the number needed for the safe food distribution to hundreds of residents.

Our normal health care supply and food distribution efforts are satisfying for our non-profit organization...This emergency response feels even better!

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