Partnership Spotlight: Malungeni Education & Committee

Arm in Arm in Africa is “going to school” in South Africa! That’s because one of the first steps for that country’s townships to survive (and eventually “thrive”) is the education of their children.


Historically, one of the key strategies for governments who oppress their residents is to take away much of their education. That is exactly what apartheid did. It limited blacks to no more than a fourth grade education, restricted school funding, reduced or eliminated training for teachers, and created student to teacher ratios ranging from 40:1 to as high as 60:1.

For that reason, here in Malungeni we are providing books and classroom supplies, teacher training, and even specialized materials like science and math units—even down to preschool levels.

This year’s travelers even participated with the children and the teachers. 

We appreciate your continued financial support. When it comes to the education of these children, it just might give this generation the opportunity that was stolen from their parents.


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