The Dilemma Was Clear


In the communities we are connected to, residents have been telling us the fear of the deadly virus is often taking a backseat to the pain of hunger...

The dilemma was clear...
With no face masks, there would be no volunteers...
With no volunteers, there was no possible way to unload...
With no way to unload, there could be no anticipated food distribution...
And with no food, there was little hope.

So Arm in Arm sent the money for the purchase of 60 masks to our community partners so they and the residents of Soweto could safely unload and distribute 80 critical food parcels to the needy families there! That’s more than 6.3 tons of emergency food response in the midst of this pandemic. The reading off of the names of the recipients brought even more relief than the usual distribution.

Most years our quarterly food distribution process goes off without a hitch...this year, lives depended on quick thinking, an emergency financial allocation, and courageous volunteers who ran toward the COVID danger when others were running away from it.

Thank you so much to our partners in South Africa and our generous donors who made this happen!

HotCold Design Studio