A word from AIAIA President

We are looking forward to celebrating Arm In Arm In Africa Weekend at St. Joan of Arc on Nov. 12—13. As a Sustaining Partner of SJA, our annual fundraiser provides AIAIA the opportunity to update you on our food distribution, education, and healthcare programs. I have asked Ed Luterbach, a member of our AIAIA Board, to share his memories and perspectives as a result of his commitment for many years. Ed has served on the AIAIA Board for a number of years and is planning to be a member of our yearly delegation to South Africa in February 2023. After a two-year hiatus, resulting from the pandemic, I am most excited to know that we are making plans for our yearly delegation.


In the words of the poet Edward Hays; "O sacred season of Autumn, be my teacher, for I wish to learn the virtue of contentment. Teach me to take stock of what I have given and received, may I know that it's enough, that my striving can cease in the abundance of God's grace." As I am having my coffee this morning and watching the leaves still collecting in the front yard, the words of the poem take on a special meaning. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude and contentment for your willingness to share in the evolving journey of AIAIA over the last 22 years.

As a nonprofit 501(c)3, we are, by comparison, still somewhat of a young organization. We have embraced the economic challenges of the last several years. I feel the AIAIA Board continues to transform challenges into opportunities for growth and stability. I have an enduring confidence in the future of AIAIA and our shared responsibility to make a change for good in our world community.

As President of AIAIA, I have had the privilege of sharing the AIAIA journey with countless individuals who are willing to step up and share their talent and financial resources. One of AIAIA’s outstanding examples of wholehearted support and generosity is Tom “the Barber” Gorzycki, whose compelling story appeared in the Washington Post a few weeks ago and is shared in this newsletter. It is precisely through your commitment and generosity that we can be confident in not only maintaining our current level of programs, but to embrace a vision for the future. On one of our yearly delegations, we had the opportunity to meet Archbishop Desmond Tutu. In closing, I share his words:

"We are different precisely in order to realize our need for one another. My humanity is caught up, is inextricably bound up, in yours."

With only the contentment that can come in appreciating this most beautiful autumn day, I want to thank you for our shared commitment to meet the needs of the present and to do all that is right in building the future for AIAIA.

In Peace and Gratitude,
Rev. James Cassidy

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