AIAIA Weekend At St. Joan of Arc

Ed Luterbach, a member of AIAIA's Board of Directors, shares his thoughts and experiences with AIAIA.


Arm in Arm in Africa, is one of the sustaining partners of the SJA Justice Fund. Donations made directly fund Food, Healthcare, and Educational programs that AIAIA supports in three geographic regions of South Africa - Greater Cape Town, Itipini (near Mandela's birthplace of Mhtatha), and rural Malungeni. Food distribution costs, which represents about two-thirds of the program budget, have risen by more than 30% year to date. They have been impacted on the income side as well, as they begin the Fall campaign 11% behind their fundraising goals for the year. Your response today through the end of the year will determine whether AIAIA can maintain its current level of programming in 2023, or face reductions. Cuts would mean more people will struggle from simply not having access to food...a crisis, for children and the elderly, in particular.

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