Day 4 - Guguletu

It is Saturday and we are off the mountain from last night and on the way to Guguletu. It is a tradition of Arm In Arm In Africa to honor the men, women and children that have died throughout the past year. This morning we joined a family that had recently experienced a death at the cemetery for the burial. The cemetery is approximately 3 football fields long. At the time of our first visit, 12 years ago, the cemetery was about 1/3 full, As a result of HIV/AIDS, the cemetery is completely full and families are forced to look to other burial sites. As we pray for a healthier future of our family in South Africa we continue to find it important to remember and honor those that have died much too young.

The remainder of our day was spent approximately an hour away in Stellenbosch. We had the opportunity to tour the University of Stellenbosch, specifically the school of theology. It is here that a policy of apartheid was developed in the 1940's. From this point forward the people in the black community were legally no longer considered to human beings.

In closing our day we were able to spend time in a township that was specifically developed to house migrant workers for the local wineries. It remains a tragic fact that the workers are provided with free and unlimited alcohol as payment for their work. This is an automatic set up for addiction and keeping individuals captive.

Tomorrow will be our last full day in Cape Town before driving to the Eastern Cape.


Day 3 Charity Sisters


Day Two