DAY 7 & 8
Good to catch up with you again. We arrived in Malungeni, a village of 3,000+ located in the Eastern Cape after a 1,000 mile, 2 day journey. After a warm welcome we were greeted by a complete electrical blackout, which happens frequently in this area. Our group rose to the challenge, offloaded the bus and managed to prepare a meal in candlelight.
We began the next morning with a "walk about" of the village with the opportunity of greeting old friends. The students are always very excited to greet us and enjoy being photographed.
This afternoon we treated 6 of our senior friends to a "spa day." The women received pedicures, hand and back massages and nail polish as requested. They especially enjoyed the massage as many of them struggle with arthritis. There was such obvious joy in seeing these women being pampered in ways that are most unfamiliar to their daily lives.
Our day ended with an evening prayer for healing in our lives and in our world.
Our gratitude for your continued prayers and support.