Day Seven
Lakota Prayer
Waken Tanka, Great Mystery,
Teach me how to trust
my heart,
my mind,
My intuition,
My inner knowing,
the senses of my body,
the blessings of my spirit,
Teach me to trust these things
So that I may enter my Sacred Space
and love beyond my fear,
and thus walk in Balance
With the passing of each glorious Sun.
May the Great Spirit, God
bless your hands and hearts
for the work that lie Day Seven
Day Seven
Our annual visits always include visits to two amazing women who live here in the Townships.
Priscilla is an open hearted, loving mother who cares for orphaned children who live with her. At the present time she has 13 children, the oldest just beginning boarding school. While Priscilla has had her own share of health problems, it doesn't stop her from giving her life so generously to these beautiful children. We were able to meet Priscilla at the grocery store to help select groceries and get them home.
Lydia unknowingly contracted HIV from a blood transfusion during a surgery in 1991. It was not until her toddler Neo became ill and was tested positive for the virus that she knew she too, was infected with HIV. Over the years we have known them, they have suffered greatly from this disease. As a result of Lydia's family's fear and their lack of knowledge of the disease they have added to her isolation.
Some years ago after AIAIA learned of the extremely poor condition of her shack, flooding and leaking in the rainy season, that we arranged for a new shack/home to be built in its place.
Lydia and Neo continue to have many health problems, but were grateful for a visit, hugs from the delegates and a delivery of a food parcel.
Wednesday we leave for a two day journey to the Transkei or Eastern Cape to see our family in Malungeni. We will have many hours on the bus to reflect on our wonderful time here in Cape Town with our friends and family in the Townships.
If internet is available in the next two days, we will stay in touch via our blog. Thank you again for your prayers.
The 2014 Delegation