Day Six
Prayer for International Understanding God of Peace, be with those who guide the destinies of the world, so that an end may come to boasting and arrogance. Give them the courage to speak the truth and humility to listen. Help us to put the good of others above our own ambition, so that we may be freed from the burden of fear, the weight of suspicion, and may come to trust each other and live in peace. Over the years Arm In Arm In Africa has been honored to share in the stories of many men, women and children. Today we were once again invited in to the sacred space of three families. Our first home visit gave us the opportunity to meet one of thousands of families that are managed by children. In talking to this 18 year old whose parents have both died of HIV/AIDS, we learned of the challenges of children raising children. This young woman has just successfully completed grade twelve and hopes to find gainful employment while still managing the home for her younger siblings. Our second home visit, was a woman, age 80 caring for her 55 year old daughter who was assaulted at age 16. As a result of the attack she lost her sight and it totally dependent on others. While both households shared a definite story involving tragedy, there was also abundant joy and hope. A much anticipated homecoming was our next visit to the Senior Center in Guguletu. We were warmly greeted with music as these seasoned men and women serenaded us with their beautiful voices. The delegates then took the time to give each person a hand massage and a friendship bracelet while getting to know them. It is a connection from the hands to the heart. It is truly an honor to spend this time and to experience the wisdom and deep joy of those senior citizens that lived through a most hateful time in South African history. We are sure many of you back home remember Father Michael Lapsley from when he spoke at St. Joan of Arc last fall. We were able to visit Father Michael at the headquarters of The Healing of Memories Institute here in Cape Town. As we sat together in a circle we were able to have a discussion around the meaning of hope and forgiveness. As you may recall, Fr. Michael was very involved in the anti-apartheid movement in the 70's, 80's and 90's. Having been identified as a threat to the apartheid leaders, Fr. Michael received a letter bomb in 1990 and lost both hands and one of his eyes. Father Michael continues to be an inspiration world wide with his forgiveness workshops. Tomorrow will be our last day in Cape Town as our mission trip takes us into the Eastern Cape. At this point going forward, we are uncertain of internet capabilities in this area. Please know that when we are able, we will update you on our ongoing journey. Dante, from 'the Love of God' The love of God, unutterable and perfect, flows into a pure soul the way that light rushes into a transparent object. The more love that it finds, the more it gives itself, so that as we grow clear and open, the more complete the joy of living is. And the ore the souls who resonate together, The greater the intensity of their love, for, mirror-like, each soul reflects the other. Thank you for your support and prayers. Blessings to you, The 2013 delegation