
On Saturday, February 6th the Delegation all convened at Fr. Jim’s home to pack nearly one thousand pounds of supplies in just over an hour!  Upon arrival one would have thought that they had entered into a small distribution center. Generosity and support for our South African friends was evidenced by the stacks of donations. Everything from toothbrushes, Ibuprofen, gently used baby clothes, to adorable hand knit colorful hats, bears, and homemade dresses were all packed away to bring on our journey. IMG_0757 We are all getting ready to embark on a trip that we know will touch our lives in ways that we don’t know yet. Come with us in prayer and by following us here on our blog-see how your generosity comes to life.

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” - John Bunyan





Unhakho Orphanage