Justice, Truth and Peace
South African Prayer for Peace...
“Gracious God, we come in prayer. Make us instruments of your peace. Where there is ignorance and superstition, let there be enlightenment and knowledge. Where there is prejudice and hatred, let there be acceptance and love.Where there is fear and superstition, let there be confidence and trust. Where there is tyranny...freedom. Where there is poverty... prosperity. Where there is discord... harmony. We are sustained by three things: Justice, Truth, And Peace. Amen.
Preparing for our last day in South Africa, as we return to the US on Sunday. On behalf of the AIAIA board, I want to acknowledge the amazing delegation for their loving energy and warm embrace of their new found “cousins” in South Africa. I also want to acknowledge the family members of our delegation and their willingness to be at home when their loved ones were far away and not always in a position to communicate back to loved ones in the US.
As my brother Spiwo shared in our gathering this morning when reflecting on our time together, “Mission Accomplished”. I cannot add to that statement of truth.
May we always be Arm In Arm In Africa.
James Cassidy, President AIAIA