Our last day in the Western Cape. We are reminded of the absolute truth in Fr. Michael's words; "The pain of the human family knows no boundaries of geography.." On any political landscape, when there is a change in leadership, an entire set of new challenges can arise. I believe many of us know that to be true in the US. South Africa now has a new President and an old issue has reemerged. Historically, eighty percent of the population that comprises the black community have had little choice but to only live on twenty percent of the land. As we in the US have come to see through the Black Lives Matter and the Me Too movements, that we in the US have a very long way to go before justice and equality exists. These movements are there to wake us up. During our time this past week in the townships we have had to be rerouted in and out of the area as a result of the demonstrations around fair and just allocation of land for the black community. At no time was the delegation in harms way, but we did realize how important this issue is and how passionately people feel when it comes to having no place to call home. During apartheid, it was illegal for a black person to own property, or to have more than a fourth grade education. Today, the demonstrations in the last two days made it impossible to return to the township. To be clear, this is not a black against white demonstration. This is about those who have, have a lot, those who don't, have next to nothing. This is obvious in the photos that I have included. I have included a photo of my brother, Spiwo, a Presbyterian minister who serves in the townships. Arm In Arm In Africa is proud to partner with this wise and just minister.