Never Give Up

Carter Heyward writes..."Love does not just happen. Love is a choice. Love is a conversion to humanity, a willingness to participate with others in the healing of a broken world and broken lives. Love is the choice to experience life as a member of the human family, a partner in the dance of life, rather than as an alien in the world or a deity above the world, aloof and apart from human flesh." It has been one week since the AIAIA delegation returned to our friends and families in the US. Again, I want to thank those who followed our journey in South Africa and for the warm and loving welcome upon our return. As President of Arm In Arm In Africa, I invite you to stay connected through Facebook and/or our website. May we never "Give Up" in our shared commitment to be a source of joy and healing to our world community... James Cassidy


Conscious Of The Injustices


Choose A Life That Matters