Olga’s Report - Sowetho & Malungeni


We distributed food parcels to 80 families in Sowetho (Itipini). Yes, it was something so great as they were so happy to have these food parcels that will help them for the Christmas time … so thank you, thank you, thank you!

Today AIAIA distributed food parcels to 225 families in Malungeni and 80 parcels in Sowetho.

Today we distributed food to 225 families in Malungeni. It was such a huge distribution. People were so very happy and they are looking forward to meeting the delegation this coming year. They are looking to surprise you. I really don’t know what they are going to do to make you happy but I think it is something they really want to do and they don’t want us to know… but we willl see, as they talk there are many surprises you will see then, so yah. Thank you so much, we will all now have a nice Christmas.

Thank you, thank you Arm In Arm… I thank you on behalf of my community, Malungeni and Sowetho (Itipini).

Love you all, Olga

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