Gratitude For Generous Donation

The following letter of gratitude is from Noluyolo Zintle Mehlomakulu (Yolo), the founding member of Touching Acts, a nonprofit organization based in South Africa. Beginning this month the children are moving into a home where the Touching Acts caregivers will provide a loving, structured environment conducive to growing mentally, physically and spiritually. The students will continue to attend St. Patrick’s Catholic school. AIAIA provided funding for uniforms, tuition and transportation. For more information see Education/Sowetho


Letter of Gratitude For Generous Donation 

Hope this finds you well, on behalf of touching acts family I would like to send my outmost gratitude to you for your generous donation of R59 662.00. Thank you for helping us unleash the potentials in these young dynamic lives. We are pleased to let you know that our eldest child (beneficiary) is going to high school. He will be attending at St Patrick’s high school, he had good grades and even though we did not apply on time for high school since we were not sure of this year we only applied in January the 6th 2020 they accepted him. St Patrick’s High is not connected to the Junior primary school. We were advised that it is a nonpaying school i.e no tuition we only paid registration and bough uniform for him. 

Your generous donation will be used for the following items as discussed if there any deviations we will communicate with Julie prior the transaction:

Tuition - $1,020
Uniforms - $1,952
Transport - $600

Thanks  once again for your partnership, we highly appreciate AIAIA. The work that you are doing is wonderful. Your donations opened doors for us. We also received a donation of R118 000 from a group of friends who raised money for the children. This will assist a lot and has been budgeted as below:

Accommodation - $3,064
Food - $3,169
Clothing - $1,162
School Bags - $263
Start up (furniture , electronics - $569
Toiletries - $85

You will remember from our meeting I mentioned that once we receive one donation more donations will come forth. This is just the beginning; we believe God is going to use more people to assist us. We will be having first board meeting on Friday the 10th of January 2020. We will arrange with Julie as discussed on our meeting on when we can have a meeting with you again.

Our God in haven will surely bless you, we pray the promise of Proverbs 19: 17

“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.”

We will continuously keep you updated, thanks you once more. Please also visit our Touching Acts website.

Kind regards,

Noluyolo Zintle Mehlomakulu
Founding Member

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