Our 21st Delegation

This weekend we celebrate and bless the 21st Arm In Arm In Africa Delegation, which will be leaving Saturday, February 15th. As President of Arm In Arm In Africa, I want to thank the many friends and families that have journeyed with Arm In Arm In Africa over the past 20 years. It is truly a milestone to acknowledge 20 years of developing strong partnerships in Africa and to be committed to doing the work of social justice. Please remember the delegates and their families in your thoughts and prayers during the time in which we are away, from  February 15th, until our return on March 8th.

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I would welcome you to join us (at least in spirit) by following our journey on our AIAIA website or you can 'Like Us' on our Facebook page.

In acknowledgement and gratitude for the many years of love and support, I close with the words from the Talmud:

"Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's grief. Do justly now. Love mercy now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it." 

James Cassidy, President AIAIA

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