Message From Our President

I have been looking forward to communicating with our many friends and families that support the work of AIAIA. As we are all very aware, we live in the most interesting and challenging of times. As we continue to traverse in the COVID-19 pandemic, I trust you are continuing to do all you can to stay safe, to be well, and still manage to discover joy on a regular basis.

I want to thank our donors for your amazing participation in July 2020 virtual event. It was our first venture into providing a virtual fundraiser. As I look back on the event, I am reminded of the words of the late Rep. John Lewis; "When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have to speak up, you have to say something, you have to do something."  On behalf of all of our African partnerships, I say thank you for stepping up and supporting what you truly believe in. As President of AIAIA, I am fully aware of the challenges and opportunities that come with fundraising in our ever changing world. As we celebrate the success of this past summer's July 2020 virtual event, I am ever mindful of the fact that AIAIA still would need to repeat the financial success of this past summer's event in order to meet our projected budget for this year. Never a dull moment in the work of justice!  I have every confidence that you will be willing to "never give up, and never give in" and will continue to financially support our shared efforts in Africa.

Speaking of opportunities to help us meet our annual budget, we are looking forward to celebrating our annual AIAIA Sunday. Our annual appeal will be on the weekend of November 7-8. As has been our tradition for many years, the celebration will be within the regularly scheduled parish service. There will be more information forthcoming prior to the event. I will be the Presider for the service and will welcome my friend and Board Member, Darryl Savage to provide an update on several of our newer partnerships. 

There is one in particular that I am eager for you to know more about, Sizakuyenza. It is a shelter for women and children, located in one of the townships near Cape Town. In addition to providing a safe environment, the staff are able to provide support for substance abuse, HIV testing and counseling, and an all encompassing children and family program for those suffering from the grief and stress resulting from significant violence. Darryl and I look forward to celebrating AIAIA Sunday with you via YouTube in the comfort of your home on November 7-8.

Helen Barnard is the Director of Sizakuyenza shelter for women and children

Helen Barnard is the Director of Sizakuyenza shelter for women and children


I ask for your continued prayers and support for our friend and Board Member, Olga Xapile. As many of you may know, Olga, her family and the Malungeni community were confronted by the violent death of her daughter within the last month. I am painfully aware of the lack of support services in rural South Africa. I am asking that you pray for our friend Olga and the need for healing that results from the unexpected death of a loved one.

In closing, I share these final words from the essay written by John Lewis;

"Though I may not be here with you, I urge you to answer the highest calling in your heart and stand up for what you truly believe. In my life I have done all I can to demonstrate that the way of peace, the way of love and nonviolence is the more excellent way."

Thank you for believing in the mission and vision of AIAIA.

James Cassidy, President AIAIA

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