Our 2020 Annual Appeal

Arm in Arm in Africa President Jim Cassidy and long-time Board Member Darryl Savage share four unique stories about our partnerships in South Africa. You'll hear about Sizakuyenza, a shelter for abused women, Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity, Days for Girls and the groundbreaking Malungeni Education Committee. You will also hear the dreams that your support fulfilled during this COVID-impacted year. Click on the image below to view.

Here are a few examples of how the donations we receive could be applied:

  • $500 – Ongoing care of handicapped adults by the Missionaries of Charity

  • $400 – Workshops and job placement for abuse victims at Sizakuyenza

  • $350 – Monthly salary for 2 teachers at Malungeni public schools

  • $150 – ‘Day for Girls’ menstrual kits for 12 girls in rural Malungeni

While we have our eyes and ears full of COVID stories right here in Minnesota, we also are following the story lines in South Africa where social distancing is a virtual impossibility in the crowded, everyday life in the townships. The need is so great at this time that we have expanded our end‐of‐year food distribution from our usual 4 distribution partners to reach an additional 11 partnerships.

This increase in support was made possible from the donations we received in July through our 20th Anniversary celebration, Arm in Arm in Action. If you joined us that day, my sincere thanks. If you were not able to join us, please click here to enjoy our historic program co‐hosted by SJA regulars, Christopher Hermann, and T Mychael Rambo.

I recognize the 'extra effort' required in asking your support this year and I am most grateful for your consideration. May God bless you in this season of Thanksgiving.

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