Thank You Cape Town Health Care Workers

Thank you to the Health Care Workers in the Townships of Cape Town

 During the lockdown for COVID 19 in South Africa, community health workers risked their lives in order to deliver patient-centered care to many communities. While most South Africans remained safely in their homes, these workers visited homes for in-home screenings and delivery of medicine and food, dressing for serious wounds, contact tracing, distribution of educational materials and outreach.  All of this was done with fear and anxiety during the harsh winter months.  


The healthcare workers walked long distances carrying heavy loads of medication, risked being infected with the virus, while facing on going violence (including being victims of robbery and harassment) every day to ensure patients received the intended care.  Many of them are affected by the effects of poverty but still show up on a daily basis to assist others.  Healthcare workers receive a stipend of only $223 per month.

To thank these health care champions and with the guidance of AIAIA Board member Rev. Spiwo Xapile, AIAIA allocated an end of year food budget surplus for food distributions to 19 organizations in the Townships of Cape Town. Prior to this allocation many of these organizations do not receive assistance from AIAIA, this distribution is a one-time gift of thanks made possible by our Arm in Arm in Action fundraiser this past July.

Unahko Children’s home, run by Rev Julius and Irene Bonani, is home to 40 orphaned children and receives support from AIAIA quarterly.  Rev. Bonani commented to Spiwo Xapile how well the team served them and how much he appreciates food and financial assistance he has received and continues to receive from Arm in Arm in Africa.

 “And to be honest, wena Mfundisi, (you Reverend) I don’t know how we would be coping without the support we are receiving from Arm in Arm in Africa.”

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